Interested to know how Mindflex can enhance your business productivity, employee retention and overall success


Improved performance and progression

Increase workplace well-being, personal well-being

Increased employers growth and profitability


Workforce Training

Our team of Mindflexors understand the challenges business face. We therefore work in partnership with Employers, to identify the skills gaps or reskilling requirements, and build a bespoke training package to suit your needs. All courses can be delivered online, face-to-face, or through blended learning. Our Workforce Training is offered via two routes;  

GOVERNMENT FUNDED TRAINING – Our government funded training provision can be utilised specifically to upskills your staff through a range of industry related and internationally recognised qualifications.

COMMERCIAL TRAINING – Our commercial training packages allow us to build more versatile and flexible programmes, suited directly to your business requirements. This can also include embedded qualifications, or alternatively can be developed specifically for the skills, competencies and behaviours you require for your staff to thrive in their roles.


Why a Mindflex Apprenticeship? 

Mindflex Apprenticeships are developed with your business and staff in mind! With a wide range of Digital, IT and Technology apprenticeship standards available, our Mindflexors can deliver apprenticeships specific to your business and staff requirements.

Built specifically for the requirements of your business and employees

400% more overall contact time per learner

100% Employer and Apprentice satisfaction

Our sister company, Revelation Academy, specialise in professional services. Should you business be interested in Financial, Commercial or Legal related training and qualifications, you can find further information and access their website below.

Levy Management

Did you know only 8% of the Apprenticeship Levy was spent in 2018? (Open University, 2018).

Mindflex works strategically in partnership with Levy Employers by providing insight, strategy and planning in utilising Levy contributions for effective training and up-skilling of current and new staff.

Employer Incentives

From September 2020, the UK Government are offering a range of financial incentives for Employers to take on new Apprentices.

  • Aged 16-18 = £3000 
  • Aged 18-24 = £2000 
  • Aged 25+ = £1500

Complimentary Recruitment Services

We pride ourselves on working closely with our clients to offer an outstanding level of service. We therefore understand the challenges and constraints for employers in finding, interviewing and hiring quality staff. This is why we offer a completely FREE recruitment service for all apprenticeship vacancies and workforce training.  

Our Clients

For more information on how our training programmes can support your business 

Zero obligation 360 consultation

To find out how our services can support your business, request a FREE MindMap, where a Mindflexor will be happy to provide a zero obligation 360 consultation for your company, absolutely FREE!

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